Gun Violence and the United Methodist Church

What does the UMC say about preventing gun violence?

The United Methodist Church has taken clear positions on preventing gun violence. Resolutions made by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church make these positions clear and the General Board of Church and Society works to live out the United Methodist positions.

Gun violence greatly affects individuals, families and communities. We believe "As followers of Jesus, called to live into the reality of God’s dream of shalom as described by Micah, we must address the epidemic of gun violence so 'that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in God’s paths.'”

A call to action by the United Methodist Board on Church and Society

The board of directors, at their spring 2018 meeting, supported the March for our Lives and other efforts to prevent gun violence saying:

Our hearts are broken at the number and frequency of mass shootings, and for the victims and families whose lives have been forever altered by these tragedies. We also know that in addition to mass shootings, gun violence in many forms impacts communities every day in the United States. Young people have been stepping forward leading a movement to end gun violence. We, as the General Board of Church and Society Board of Directors, encourage our churches and conferences to be supportive of this movement.

Gun Violence Prevention resources from Church and Society

The Board of Church and Society, the UMC Justice agency, has collected information and resources on preventing gun violence. They include cheat sheets for pastors, statistics, videos, and bible studies.


Fighting Gun Violence